RK&C Mission
The mission of the Kindness Civility and Listening Project is to promote and create discourse on the importance of the value of adopting actions that lead to a kinder, less tribal society. Our society has misplaced the sense of the value of civility and the importance of other opinions. We want people to see the many benefits of incorporating the strategy of kindness, civility, and listening in their everyday lives and how that affects quality of life, policy efficacy in governance, and every aspect of social interaction. We will do this by utilizing a wide variety of social communication. We have assessed the current hostile landscape and determined that the enormous costs to each of us in terms of emotional stress and the feeling of disconnection is too high a price to pay and a compelling call to action. We will invite people from all walks of life to contribute to this ongoing discussion of kindness and open communication. All subjects related to this concept are part of the conversation with the hope that this free association takes us to unusual and unimagined places.